Matriculating students can look forward to joining a creative and supportive community of graduate students and faculty and a challenging program which will prepare them to be independent thinkers and researchers. Students in our program receive funding for the duration of their program (typically 5-6 years), contingent upon continued satisfactory performance; this funding includes tuition, individual health insurance as well as a stipend.
Our faculty members are first rate scientists passionate about research and training of future scientists. Our graduate students are enthusiastic researchers who are instrumental in the research being done in the Field. They form a tight-knit community that supports and mentors their colleagues.
The GGD program includes lecture and laboratory courses, teaching experience, and front-line research with access to the latest technology and equipment. Grant writing and presenting scientific research to a variety of audiences, as well as classroom teaching, are also emphasized. Scientific knowledge acquired and the range of skills developed during their graduate program allow our graduates to choose from a wide variety of careers.